- 1
Single Out Transactions
Looking for a specific transaction? You can use Transactions to find problematic payments and analyze them on a case by case basis.
- 2
Find Batches of Transactions
Sometimes your analysis depends on a set group of transactions. Understand the parameters of the data you are searching for and use Transactions to access it.
Search Transactions
Handling transactions is not always a linear process. When tapping into specific transactions becomes necessary you can use Search Transactions to find the specifics you are looking for.
Only use Search Transactions sparsely.
Do not use Search Transactions to access all of your transaction data. Set up Processing to perform operations on charges, instruments, and payments. Search Transactions was built to be used sparsely and not systematically.
GET /v1/transactions
Method | Path | Description |
GET | Sandbox https://merchant-api-test.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions Production https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions | List existing transactions. |
Request Parameter
Page number.
Filter by settled/unsettled transactions.
Search values in the following fields: charge_id
, instrument_id
, payment_id
, refund_id
, dispute_id
, reversal_id
, keywords.value
Fields in which to search the values under search
. Can be any of the following: charge_id
, instrument_id
, payment_id
, refund_id
, dispute_id
, reversal_id
, keyword
, <event_type>
(e.g. search_fields=keyword.charge.metadata.order_id
Ordering of the results by field_name
. Use "-" to invert the order.
REQUEST$ curl -vX GET https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions?merchant_id=accountId -u accountId:APIKey
Result Parameter
The merchant ID the transaction refers to.
The charge ID the transaction refers to.
The instrument ID the transaction refers t
The payment ID the transaction refers to.
The refund ID the transaction refers to.
The dispute ID the transaction refers to.
The reversal ID the transaction refers to.
The transaction amount.
Payment method selected by the customer.
Whether the transaction is settled or not.
Whether the transaction requires settlement or not.
The transaction result. It can be one of these: created
, confirmed
, risk
, success
, error
, updated
, pending
, authorized
, invalid
, settled
The result of the risk check. It can be one of the following: allowed
, blocked
, review
, reviewed
Whether the transaction is successful or not.
Type of the transaction. It can be charge
, instrument
, payment
, refund
, dispute
, reversal
Whether the transaction is from an external source.
The date when the transaction was created.
The date when the transaction suffered its last update.
The date when the transaction was settled.
List of searchable fields.
The charge the transaction refers to.
The instrument the transaction refers to.
The payment the transaction refers to.
The refund the transaction refers to.
The dispute the transaction refers to.
The reversal the transaction refers to.
RESULT: HTTP 200{"pagination": {"per_page": 20,"min_remaining_pages": 0,"page": 1},"collection": ["...",{"merchant_id": "83216372132918dshdashdasi31232","charge_id": "2b33f091ab6fca5ebef37a31ab5ea1a9a21484b75ceef738","instrument_id": "7de0647e4e11dfb61fa5b0e55155d04b36fd52395ceef745","payment_id": "f462c35f84714a3c5d43e3bf1fa91e2942576fa05ceef768","refund_id": null,"dispute_id": null,"reversal_id": null,"amount": 5.0,"charge_type": "card_authorization","is_settled": false,"requires_settlement": true,"result": "success","risk_result": "success","success": true,"type": "payment","external": false,"created_at": "2019-05-29T21:19:38.696000+00:00","updated_at": "2019-05-29T21:19:38.697000+00:00","settled_at": null,"keywords": [],"charge": null,"instrument": null,"payment": null,"refund": null,"dispute": null,"reversal": null},"..."]}
GET /v1/transactions/charges/{id}
Method | Path | Description |
GET | Sandbox https://merchant-api-test.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/charges/{id} Production https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/charges/{id} | Get a specific charge. |
Result Parameter
Maximum amount set for the charge.
Channels to be used in the transaction.
The charge ID that can be used to create an instrument
Identifier of the charge type
Indicates if the created charge was confirmed by the merchant using their private key.
The currency of the charge.
The date when the charge was created.
Endpoint to which notifications of all the lifecycle events related to this charge will be sent.
Processor IDs of the charge. Currently it is always null.
The instrument parameters used to create the charge.
If the charge is not successful, this field includes the error code.
If the charge is not successful, this field includes details about the failure.
Provided charge metadata.
Defined redirect url.
Contains information on the origin of the request: country
, ip_address
, user_agent
and the library_version
Whether the transaction requires settlement.
The date when the charge suffered some update.
The date when the charge was used to create an instrument.
Defines whether or not the charge was not processed by Switch.
The merchant ID the charge refers to.
REQUEST$ curl -vX GET https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/charges/{id}?merchant_id=accountId -u accountId:APIKey
RESULT: HTTP 200{"amount": 10,"channels": null,"charge_id": "89b0c4406a37c531e87010ec30c89d87efdbcc375cf68db9","charge_type": "card_onetime","confirmed": true,"currency": "EUR","created_at": "2019-06-04T15:26:49.457000+00:00","events_url": "https://merchant.com/events","external_ids": null,"instrument_params": null,"failure_code": null,"failure_description": null,"metadata": null,"redirect_url": null,"request_log": {"country": null,"ip_address": "","user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.11.0","library_version": null},"requires_settlement": false,"updated_at": "2019-06-04T15:26:49.457000+00:00","used_at": null,"external": false,"merchant_id": "83216372132918dshdashdasi31232"}
GET /v1/transactions/instruments/{id}
Method | Path | Description |
GET | Sandbox https://merchant-api-test.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/instruments/{id} Production https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/instruments/{id} | Get a specific instrument. |
Result Parameter
Channel used to create the instrument.
The date when the instrument was created.
Useful external ids (e.g. IDs from the processing channel).
If the instrument was not successful, this field has the error code.
If the instrument was not successful there may be details in this field about the reasons for the error (e.g. from the processor).
Instrument fingerprint.
The instrument id that can be used to create a payment.
Contains information on how to redirect the customer to complete the payment.
Includes the instrument parameters and also the passed parameters in the charge.
Information that should be passed to the customers for them to complete the payment (applicable only for payment methods with a push flow, such as Multibanco).
Contains information on the origin of the request: country
, ip_address
, user_agent
and the library_version
Whether the instrument requires settlement.
Technical information returned by the processors (e.g. Credit Card ECI code).
Current status of the instrument. It could be pending
, invalid
or authorized
Flag indicating whether the instrument was successfully created.
The date when the instrument suffered some update.
Defines whether or not the instrument was not processed by Switch.
The ID of the charge used to create this instrument.
The merchant ID the instrument refers to.
The settlement ID.
The date of the settlement.
REQUEST$ curl -vX GET https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/instruments/{id}?merchant_id=accountId -u accountId:APIKey
RESULT: HTTP 200{"channel": {"processor": "payu","id": "5db580ed2bd8a283602928d77fd369645e9e4ef75cb5e858","label": "card_authorization_payu"},"created_at": "2019-05-29T21:23:12.493000+00:00","external_ids": {"provider_transaction_id": "19150AXND18504","authorization_id": "27743631-5c5d-441e-8649-3968f502d34e"},"failure_code": null,"failure_description": null,"fingerprint": "4be70fe3c5814ec4fed8171efc0c0f512c234645644d5e3e9eb2be633eee75850f037b6884f109eb39f9eb191710712eb6bc2108d24c55e88fe5db81e4a8ca3a","instrument_id": "318fbb6b4580340f032033b100f0e6cf20e5b9265ceef83a","redirect": null,"parameters": {"bin": "453144","expiration_month": 12,"name": "John Doe","expiration_year": 2019,"last_4_digits": "2283"},"reference": null,"request_log": {"country": null,"ip_address": "","user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.11.0","library_version": null},"requires_settlement": false,"response": null,"status": "authorized","success": true,"updated_at": "2019-05-29T21:23:24.955000+00:00","external": false,"charge_id": "6c3dc38318b7115010554d7660608c6b0830248e5ceef831","merchant_id": "83216372132918dshdashdasi31232","settlement_id": null,"settled_at": null}
In the case of an instrument with a push flow, the reference
will be populated with a structure such as below (the example shows a Multibanco reference example).
{"reference": {"fields": [{"field": "entity", "value": "815412", "label": "Entity"},{"field": "reference", "value": "412523632", "label": "Reference"},{"field": "value", "value": "10", "label": "Value"}]}}
GET /v1/transactions/payments/{id}
Method | Path | Description |
GET | Sandbox https://merchant-api-test.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/payments/{id} Production https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/payments/{id} | Get a specific payment. |
Result Parameter
The payment amount.
The date when the payment was created.
The currency of the payment.
Payment description.
Useful external IDs (e.g. IDs from the processing channel).
If the payment is not successful, this field has the error code.
If the payment is not successful, this field has details about the failure.
Metadata specified in the request.
The payment parameters.
Unique identifier of the payment.
Defines whether or not the payment allows refunds.
Whether the payment requires settlement.
Contains information on the origin of the request: country
, ip_address
, user_agent
and the library_version
Technical information returned by the processor (e.g. Credit Card ECI code).
Current status of the payment. It could be pending, error or success.
Flag indicating whether the payment is successful.
The date of the settlement.
Last date when the payment suffered an update.
Defines whether or not the payment was not processed by Switch.
The ID of the charge.
The instrument ID used to create the payment.
The merchant ID the payment refers to.
The settlement ID.
REQUEST$ curl -vX GET https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/payments/{id}?merchant_id=accountId -u accountId:APIKey
RESULT: HTTP 200{"amount": 5,"created_at": "2019-05-30T14:43:47.524000+00:00","currency": "EUR","description": "","external_ids": {"capture_id": "d7fbd93f-8d07-4a78-847d-2e9beb496cdb","provider_transaction_id": "19150RrrA12646"},"failure_code": null,"failure_description": null,"metadata": null,"params": {},"payment_id": "4bff9a7afdf7017df1e6386a403e5cd6adcc1a705cefec1b","refundable": true,"requires_settlement": true,"request_log": {"country": null,"ip_address": "","user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.11.0","library_version": null},"response": null,"status": "success","success": true,"settled_at": null,"updated_at": "2019-05-30T14:43:47.525000+00:00","external": false,"charge_id": "022156f0ee356507d9beeb7768b2ef8b573cf7135cefeb4a","instrument_id": "0317b1b7150bde7d50f0f95f540ee7b03e0253c45cefeb80","merchant_id": "83216372132918dshdashdasi31232","settlement_id": null}
GET /v1/transactions/refunds/{id}
Method | Path | Description |
GET | Sandbox https://merchant-api-test.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/refunds/{id} Production https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/refunds/{id} | Get a specific refund. |
Result Parameter
The refund amount.
The refund parameters.
The date when the refund was created.
Refund description.
Useful external IDs (e.g. IDs from the processing channel).
If the refund is not successful, this field has the error code.
If the refund is not successful, this field has details about the failure.
The payment ID the refund refers to.
The refund ID.
Contains information on the origin of the request: country
, ip_address
, user_agent
and the library_version
Whether the refund requires settlement.
The date of the settlement.
Current status of the refund. It could be pending
, error
or success
Flag indicating whether the refund is successful.
The source of the refund.
Defines whether or not the refund was not processed by Switch.
Last date when the refund was last update.
The merchant id the refund refers to.
The charge ID the refund refers to.
The instrument ID the refund refers to.
The settlement ID.
REQUEST$ curl -vX GET https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/refunds/{id}?merchant_id=accountId -u accountId:APIKey
RESULT: HTTP 200{"amount": 0.1,"params": null,"created_at": "2019-05-20T11:59:23.427000+00:00","description": "description","external_ids": {"transaction_id": "80fe1f5ce4b1c9f6582df5efe6b0f5895cd2745b5ce294ad"},"failure_code": null,"failure_description": null,"payment_id": "b432095219a6bd2ecf63ea609be4e5fe7079bbcc5ce294ad","refund_id": "5a1ec7423d6ddb829959b276d9802b1025ece73e5ce2969a","request_log": {"country": null,"ip_address": "","user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.11.0","library_version": null},"requires_settlement": true,"settled_at": null,"status": "success","success": true,"source": null,"external": false,"updated_at": "2019-05-20T11:59:23.427000+00:00","merchant_id": "83216372132918dshdashdasi31232","charge_id": "e387c7a3c0d4b2f0c6d29a46daa73fcb704fcdc05ce29480","instrument_id": "33357e630b7968d8a7f30e75711efed256592c8a5ce29488","settlement_id": null}
GET /v1/transactions/reversals/{id}
Method | Path | Description |
GET | Sandbox https://merchant-api-test.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/reversals/{id} Production https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/reversals/{id} | Get a specific reversal. |
Result Parameter
The reversal ID.
Useful external IDs (e.g. IDs from the processing channel).
The ID of the object the reversal refers to (e.g. instrument_id
The type of the object the reversal refers to (e.g. instrument).
The reversal amount.
Who initiated the reversal (customer, merchant, processor).
Current status of the reversal. It could be pending
, error
or success
Flag indicating whether the reversal is successful.
If the reversal is not successful, this field has the error code.
If the reversal is not successful, this field has details about the failure.
Whether the reversal requires settlement.
Contains information on the origin of the request: country
, ip_address
, user_agent
and the library_version
Defines whether or not the reversal was not processed by Switch.
The date when the reversal was created.
Last date when the reversal suffered an update.
The charge ID the reversal refers to.
The instrument ID the reversal refers to.
The payment ID the reversal refers to.
The refund ID the reversal refers to.
The merchant ID the reversal refers to.
The settlement ID.
The date of the settlement.
REQUEST$ curl -vX GET https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/reversals/{id}?merchant_id=accountId -u accountId:APIKey
RESULT: HTTP 200{"reversal_id": "b4af494e317c8629a0dd8bc3cd6bfd3ac9a2c6b65c9a1742","external_ids": {"authorization_id": "82925393395140931","reversal_id": "82925393395140931","processor": "82925393396613688"},"object_id": "9a04229fc073cd7412176ce62ae908a37d4e24105c9a1730","object_type": "instrument","amount": 300.3,"initiated_by": "merchant","status": "success","success": true,"failure_code": null,"failure_description": null,"requires_settlement": true,"request_log": {"country": null,"ip_address": "","user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.6.1","library_version": null},"external": false,"created_at": "2019-03-26T12:12:51.384000","updated_at": "2019-05-20T11:59:23.427000+00:00","charge_id": "e387c7a3c0d4b2f0c6d29a46daa73fcb704fcdc05ce29480","instrument_id": "33357e630b7968d8a7f30e75711efed256592c8a5ce29488","payment_id": "33357e630b7968d8a7f30e75711efed256592c8a5ce29488","refund_id": "33357e630b7968d8a7f30e75711efed256592c8a5ce29488","merchant_id": "83216372132918dshdashdasi31232","settlement_id": null,"settled_at": null}
GET /v1/transactions/disputes/{id}
Method | Path | Description |
GET | Sandbox https://merchant-api-test.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/disputes/{id} Production https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/disputes/{id} | Get a specific dispute. |
Result Parameter
The dispute ID.
The payment ID the dispute refers to.
The processor the dispute refers to.
The source of the dispute.
Type of the dispute. It can be arbitration
, chargeback
, chargeback_reversal
, pre_arbitration
, retrieval
, or 2nd_chargeback
The dispute amount.
The currency of the dispute.
Dispute description.
Forex rate.
Arbitrary information included in the dispute source.
Useful external IDs (e.g. IDs from the processing channel).
Whether the dispute requires settlement.
The date when the dispute was created.
The date when the dispute was initiated.
Last date when the dispute was last updated.
The merchant ID the dispute refers to.
The charge ID the dispute refers to.
The instrument ID the dispute refers to.
The settlement ID.
REQUEST$ curl -vX GET https://merchant-api.switchpayments.com/v1/transactions/disputes/{id}?merchant_id=accountId -u accountId:APIKey
RESULT: HTTP 200{"dispute_id": "463c1e0f24c584ce6d7088f8f18f5cde92013b6d5cf7d97a","payment_id": "adda6c8da9d9fa644332f7dbb7e3e6fed7983af95cf7d946","processor": "acapture","source": {"interface": "chargeback_notification","producer": "com.switchpayments.reconciliation-api"},"type": "chargeback","amount": 5,"currency": "EUR","description": "Cardholder Dispute—Defective Merchandise/Not as Described","fx_rate": 1,"metadata": {"Member ID": "5014811","Reason Code": "4853","Processed Transaction ID": "1492110123","Original Transaction Amount": "297.36","Processed Transaction Guid": "6faec70d-5159-4504-a1d4-fcaea5e291b1","Card Type": "Mastercard","Issuers Message": "SERVICES NOT RENDERED","Card Holder": "MARCIA D F RUNGE","MID": "75056333","First Chargeback Date": "22-June-2018","Currency": "EUR","Amount": "5","Original Transaction Currency": "CHF","Deadline": "02-July-2018","Original Transaction Date": "30-May-2018 10:13:56 PM","Reason Description": "Cardholder Dispute—Defective Merchandise/Not as Described","Tracking Member Code": "8ac7a4a06b2284a6016b2828c1e24aab","Card Last 4 Digits": "5190","Member Name": "MMM Investments","Acquirer Name": "Payvision","ARN": "85101578150821331281973"},"external_ids": {"Processed Transaction Guid": "6faec70d-5159-4504-a1d4-fcaea5e291b1","Tracking Member Code": "8ac7a4a06b2284a6016b2828c1e24aab","Processed Transaction ID": "1492110123","ARN": "85101578150821331281973"},"requires_settlement": true,"created_at": "2019-06-05T15:02:18.755000+00:00","disputed_at": "2018-06-22T00:00:00+00:00","updated_at": "2019-06-05T15:02:18.755000+00:00","merchant_id": "83216372132918dshdashdasi31232","charge_id": "0a7367c85f0743bd11a48a8ee8e4d97cfd37a4995cf7ce2a","instrument_id": "62427662820c880db073752fc82c3e72b16f91895cf7ce31","settlement_id": null}