Looking to learn more about Switch?

You've come to the right place!

Switch is a Payments Platform as a Service that allows businesses to outsource their entire payments infrastructure, connecting to multiple industry stakeholders through one simple API integration.

Our platform allows us to ingest transactional data in ways that deliver insightful operational information, helping you to take knowledgeable actions without further development investments.

Our documentation covers all aspects of the Switch Platform. For starters, dive into a brief introduction to the Switch Platform and our ideas on how to manage payments. Afterward, find more about all available integration patterns and technical details that come with them. Lastly, explore in detail our Platform Components.

Our goal with this documentation is two-fold:

  1. Explain how you can integrate with Switch.
  2. Demonstrate how our Platform Components can add flexibility and functionality to your payment operations.

Ready to start?

Let's get to it.

We suggest following the prescribed order of contents. Nonetheless, if you are looking for an answer to a specific question, feel free to jump to the corresponding section.

Next Steps

The first section is all about the product. Head over to the Switch Platform Overview to gain an understanding of what it encompasses and how it can help your payment operation.